Why We Exist

We believe that science is awe-inspiring, mesmerizing, and beautiful. We also believe that science can make our world a better place through the tools it provides.Ā 

New knowledge and innovations in the different fields of science can address the types of resource scarcity that lead to violent conflicts, alleviate diseases at the root of much human suffering, and improve our quality of life in many ways to make our stay on Earth a more pleasant experience.Ā Ā 

Everything we do at Genius Games is rooted in this mission. Through the puzzles, board games, and card games we publish, we hope to introduce the world of science to the next generation of innovators, scientists, and engineers.

If youā€™re interested in selling our games in your store, visit our Become A Retailer page for more info or Contact Us at sales@geniusgames.org.

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Our Team

John began creating board games as a kid, but waited until 2013 to quit his engineering job and start Genius Games. Between those life events, John spent time in the US Army, earned a Masterā€™s Degree in Engineering from Washington University, and taught chemistry and physics to students many ages.

John's favorite things to do are to talk around a campfire, laugh at dad jokes with his wife and three kids, and hear stories about real people who did really amazing things. He also loves eating breakfast no matter what time of day it is.

Tomasz asked John to edit his bio and John said he wouldn't edit it. Instead he would paste it exactly as it is. Tomas wrote,

"Write that Tomasz joined John on the first project ever and since then Tomasz is growing up together with Genius Games. In his work he values attention to detail and teamwork that makes him surprass his own best ideas. Beside his work with graphics and board games his main hobby are board games and graphics, whitch leads him to living a dream life.
He loves to start his day with 1l mug of lemon & honey tea above the Bible."

After leaving her hometown of Huntersville, NC, Bailey exclusively chooses to live in cities that start with an S. She graduated with a BFA in Furniture Design in Savannah, worked in the sunny city of San Jose, and is currently a graduate student in St. Louis.

While Bailey grew up playing serious board games like Chinese Checkers, it wasnā€™t until college that her friends introduced her to hidden indie gems like Settlers of Catan.

When Bailey isnā€™t managing or working on graphics, she is the go-to playtest person for the "average gamerā€ at the office. Bailey enjoys drinking beer, impersonating Julien Baker, and beating her coworkers in Ecosystem, which she highly recommends.

Before Kenneth joined Genius Games, he worked as a mechanical engineer in the Philippines for 5 years. He loves solving puzzles and math problems since he was a kid. Heā€™s a believer of ā€˜kaizenā€™ in all aspects and constantly works in improving his mental, physical and spiritual state.

Kenneth is a natural-born gamer. Heā€™s good with almost every game he played and consistently beats his older siblings and cousins. His favorite games in his younger days are Tekken, Pokemon, Magic: The Gathering and DotA. Nowadays, he spends his free time working out, playing mobile strategy games and petting his dogs.

Nikko, once a dedicated chemical engineer, discovered a passion for ecommerce and business that led to an exciting career change. Driven by his natural love for numbers and problem-solving, Nikko continually seeks innovative ways to drive growth and make things better at Genius Games.

When not at work, Nikko is an avid traveler who loves to explore new places and indulge in different cuisines. He also cherishes time with family and enjoys playing with his pets. Looking to the future, he dreams of creating a sustainable farm, nurturing a variety of plants and crops.

Jay has over a decade of experience as an accountant across various industries.

Beyond numbers, Jay is known for his love of solving mind-boggling puzzles and enjoying online games with his friends and nephews or watch anime movies and series during his downtime.

Some of Jay's personal goals is to have a separate gaming/entertainment room in his place and to solo travel Asia and Europe and experience different authentic food and culture.

Before joining Genius Games, Chonalee spent 12 years in the BPO industry, working in various roles across technical and customer support, banking and finance, and travel accounts. She also managed teams from different companies.

Since childhood, she had a passion for math and chess, even competing in chess once. However, her love for volleyball took precedence, and she pursued it through college, alongside playing badminton and soccer.

Nowadays, she spends her free time working out, participating in fun runs, and free diving.